KARMAYAN has been working as a national Organization in Bangladesh since 1995. Its focus is not only the materialistic development such as poverty alleviation but also the spiritual development of the underprivileged people in the community.

It is a non-government, non-political and not for profit voluntary development organization. This organization was established by some of distinguished social workers, educationists and development practitioners to work for human resource development through education, health and nutrition, climate change mitigation and adaptation, economic activities for the unprivileged people specifically women, men, disabled and children.

Considering the multifaceted poverty in Bangladesh KARMAYAN has developed holistic and integrated approach through designing and implementing education specifically non formal & formal education, basic health care, poverty alleviation & entrepreneurship development, water, sanitation and hygiene issues, disaster management, climate change mitigation and adaptation. Till date KARMAYAN has provided supports to more than half million people in Bangladesh. It has developed the capacity of 200 implementing Community Based Organizations (CBO) as partners throughout the country. Along with partnership approach, KARMAYAN itself is also implementing some of projects in Dhaka, Kushtia and Barguna.


Executive committee comprising 9 members is the highest body to direct the organization to attain organizational goals. The Chairman, who is also the functional chief, is the chairman of the committee. The committee meets on the basis of need.

Program heads play very important role in realization of the target. The organization maintains a very transparent policy in its activity and approach. All activities having financial implication is audited by the reputed and government certified audit agencies and all audited reports are submitted to the NGO Affairs Bureau of the Government and funding agencies.

Moreover, the internal audit team also plays vital role to ensure transparency in every transaction of the organization.


KARMAYAN is a non-government; non-profit and non-political organization established in 1999 by like-minded social workers to serve the socio-economically depressed communities Dhanbari Upzila Tangail Zila in Bangladesh

KARMAYAN is registered with different Government agencies. These are as follows:

Registration number & Date :

SI Name of Department Registration No. Data of Registration
01. Department of Social Welfare T-Mo-1218 04/05/1999
02. Dept. of youth Development T-444-D-1 16/07/2009
03. Dept. of Woman Development T-593 29/01/2012
04. NGO Affairs Bureau FD-2791 05/06/2013


The Executive Director is delegated by the Governing Board to run and manage the KARMAYAN office and oversee the implementation of all its programs. The Top Management comprising of nine Directors and the Executive Director (ED) is the main decision making body for the day to day running of KARMAYAN. Regular meetings are held to review progress and issues of concern. A staff meeting is held every two weeks for information sharing where all issues relating to finance, admin and program is discussed. Furthermore, the ED sits with the program and finance team once a month to review compliance to policies and progress of the different programs. Besides the ED and four Directors, Program Coordinators are in charge of large and cross cutting programs. The M&E Advisor, the Media Manager and the Coordinator-MIS are all working on cross cutting issues such as M&E, MIS and media. The Program Managers, Operations, Accounts and Coordinator-Grants plus the Finance Officers, Admin Staff and some Support staff make up the total staff strength of KARMAYAN.

KARMAYAN provides funding and capacity building support to organizations working on human rights and governance. KARMAYAN works in partnership with different stakeholders such as civil society organizations, NGOs, CBOs, government, private sector, research organizations etc. KARMAYAN through its partners assists to ensure entitlements of people by building their capacity to demand basic services and raise voice against rights violation. KARMAYAN also works on the supply side with duty bearers so that they are responsive to the demands of people.


The dignity and well being of all people (especially poor, marginalized and socially excluded) are ensured by responsible, accountable and transparent duty bearers, the actions of committed and capable defenders and rights holders who are aware and mobilized to claim their rights and entitlements.


In order to contribute towards the above vision KARMAYAN will- Support both financially and technically, a critical mass of public and private organizations working in the area of increasing awareness to demand fulfillment of human rights and improved governance leading to poverty reduction.

Facilitate coherence in human rights and governance work in Bangladesh, through networking and policy advocacy.

Monitor the human rights and governance situation in the country and make this information available publicly.


Improved well-being of women, men, Student and children in Bangladesh.